Wherever you are on the road of life, Trinity offers a safe haven.

Trinity United Church of Christ, Dorseyville, is the 1,819th United Church of Christ congregation recognized as open and affirming.

All are welcome.

We offer a safe haven to worship God, to sit at Christ’s table and to participate in our worship services and activities.

We are a church steeped in history, firmly planted in the present, with an eye for a future where all are treated with compassion, kindness and equality.

Our Welcome & Promise to You

Trinity United Church of Christ, Dorseyville is an open and affirming community that deeply believes we do not need to think alike to love one another.

We welcome all to join us on our journey to fully embrace the diversity of Creation. In everything we say and do, we proclaim God’s welcome to all, especially those who have known the pain of discrimination, for any reason in church or society. We refuse to be divided by age, gender identify, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, economic circumstance, marital status, physical or mental ability, theological perspective, political affiliation, or any other distinction.

We believe that all people are wonderfully made in the image of God. From the sacraments of baptism and communion, to celebrations of life and marriage, all are invited to fully and equally participate in the life and leadership of Trinity.

No matter where you are on the road of life, Trinity offers a safe haven.

Trinity is an accepting community, growing in faith, and responding with compassion.

Worship Service: Sunday Mornings

In Sanctuary or Livestream on Facebook @ 10:25 with announcements, activities, and upcoming events, followed @ 10:30 with our worship service.